Monday, May 13, 2013


Total? Lunar? Solar? Or.....punctuational???  Today I learned a new word.  "Ellipses." Webster defines this as marks or a mark showing omission, especially of letters or words.  I realized I've been using an everyday fashion, like forks and knives, without knowing their real name.  Or their proper function. Hmmmmm......(space for thoughtful pause).  Slightly doubting my education now.  What else did I miss in English that is obvious to other people?  True, even simpler punctuation hasn't been my strong point. (And don't start me on spelling...)  I vaguely bluff my way through semi-colons, colons and even some comma uses.  I think learning and remembering these rules seems way too tedious for me in light of more important things like vocabulary and just getting something said. Very possibly it's also a subversive form of personal anarchy....

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