Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dylan quotes continued

       More from the book Bob Dylan: The Essential Interviews

page 150  "..I try to write the song when it comes.  It try to get it all...cause if you don't get it all, you're not gonna get it."

page 151  "I hurried for a long time. I'm sorry I did.  All the time you're hurrying, you're not really as aware as you should be.  You're trying to make things happen instead of just letting it happen."

page 180  "You must be vulnerable to be sensitive to reality."

page 189  "Music attracts the angels in the universe."

page 192  "I have to get back to playing music because unless I do, I don't really feel alive.  I don't feel I can be a filmmaker all the time.  I have to play in front of people in order just to keep going."

page 207 "Your spirit flies when you are making music."

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