Sunday, March 4, 2012

Finish Something

Someone sent me a link to  "29 ways to be more creative" recently.  The point that most struck me with, yes, a bit of a jab was "Finish Something".  Ahhh...ya.  Ouch.  Well, I actually did finish a couple procastinated projects yesterday.  The first is this mini painting started early winter.  It was inspired by a night walk along snowy streets that became diamond strewn under street lamps.  Cold air made the sky so clear that stars poked through the black night like sharp needles.

This is something I call a Theme Box.  I've done several for others with various personalized themes but never finished this one for myself started about 4 or 5 years ago.  It's about how I see creativity.  The left side is a bead and wire chair sitting under a full moon  symbolizing being inspired.  That's the part of creativity that is effortless for me.  Next to the chair on the ground is a wire basket with collected "inspiration" symbolized by purple crystal beads.   On the right side, the part I didn't finish for years, is the other side of creativity...actually going somewhere with the inspiration and doing something with it.  There is a little ivy covered stone wall with a gateway.  Leading into and through the gateway is a swirling strand of "jewels", the "doing" part of art traveling to its destination.  Above is a silver frame (a dissembled broach) which is also about completion and a higher purpose and audience for creating.

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