Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beat it

    I'm learning a new instrument!  It's been brewing in my mind for months.  Finally I've had my first lesson and I'm "stoked", to quote another musician.
   I'll quickly rewind my musicial history to create context. I started with piano lessons in grade 4.  This lasted 5 loosely spaced years where  I was a lazy, whiney, unpromising practicer.  Recitals sent my anxious nerves through the roof.  In highschool I suddenly had events to play for and motivation soared.  Today there's not much I like better than playing piano with a band whenever I can.
    Six years ago I inexplicably wanted to play the flute.  My husband bought me a flute on E-Bay (first and only time) and I couldn't get a sound out of it.  Took a year of lessons and now I can play passably.  Been a lazy practicer with that too, I admit.  Maybe needing more motivating events.
    Now I'm learning to play the drums.  Very exciting.  Very humbling.  This being a beginner is the most trying part but apparently unavoidable.  My brain is going down a whole new path.  The radio has become all about percussion for me and  I listen pretty carefully to drummers I play with.  It's like having a whole new set of ears.
     I've mulled through some "whys" about learning drums.  Feel like I have to explain it.  "To improve my understanding of rhythm", I've told a few people.  "To make me a better piano player", I said to someone else.  "You know, like football players taking ballet."  Maybe.  Or maybe that's irrelevant baloney (do people still spell that bologna?) and I just want to do this.  It's simply time for a new instrument and this is it.  I have no idea if I'll ever be good enough to play with other musicians "for real".  I'd like to try some day.  I also wonder why most drummers are guys though I know a couple "chick drummers" who are very good.  But,  I mustn't get distracted by anomalies. Onward.

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