Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rolling Stones Bob Dylan Special

    This week I've been reading the Rolling Stones magazine special edition on Bob Dylan (40 years of interviews) before I pass it on to an at least equally interested friend.  Realized today that my mother was born the same year as Bob.  Funny thing is, both my parents lived through the 60's, 70's, 80's...well, until now, without mentioning him or any popular artists of those decades to us kids.  Actually, there was one exception.  I remember our family driving in the Swiss Alps, listening to radio news when my Mother exclaimed in shock that Elvis Presley (whom I'd never heard of till then) had died.

     To me it's like there were other continents they never mentioned or the world being round but I had to find out 2 decades later than everyone else.  Baffling.  Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever catch up.

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