Saturday, October 20, 2012

White Minus Green

    Recently in a random conversation about colors someone said to me that the color pink is very hard to make.  I asked isn't it just red mixed with white?  I've been making pink for years.  No, they said, that's just light red.  True pink is actually white minus green.

     How mystical. 

    Continuing to be random, I said that makes me think of my favorite Dr. Suess book "O the thinks you can think" with its impossible curly-cue stairways and especially its forest of white and red striped trees.  Really a wonderfully imaginative, assumption-turning little publication. 

     And now for a final only apparent irrelevance, here's quote attributed to Einstein:

   " Creativity is the residue of wasted time." 


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Quotes from Gary Molander

Hello readers,

     My life has gotten very blank slate/empty again with a parttime greenhouse job done for the winter, no courses ahead and a drought of music.  Not feeling entirely bubbly about this (to put it veeeerrrrryy mildly) but trying to keep my mind busy and sane.  Here are some quotes from a book I just read on creativity and faith by Gary Molander.  I haven't decided if I agree with all of them but they make me think.

"The first myth is that art is some sort of feeling.  It's a mood to be summoned from the ether.  But creativity is a practice.  It's an action.  To bring it into to being you must act as if it's already there.  It's a lot like love.  You may not always feel it, but the more you act upon it, the more you'll experience it."  

"Art..reminds me that not everything needs to be resolved for it to be beautiful." 

"Beware the artist whose skill level surpasses their character." 

"There should be no difference between our lives and our art.  It is all the same.  We all have but one body of work."

"Creativity, in the Divine sense, is when we see a void, then fill it with ourselves."

"An artist is a heart condition, not a job."