Friday, October 24, 2014


This fall I've been hit with the almost manic surge to prune things: branches, life clutter, and even some beautiful things where I have to stop, breath in courage over fear of loss and think before I cut.   "Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater".

In real time it's been 6 recent weeks of more intense culling than ever.  I'm "listening" and re-focusing. Part of that is going through my "Artist's Way" workbook  again.  It's building on last year's nine month 12 step program called Freedom Sessions, which rocketed me into both clarity about my three main passions (music, art and specialized kinesiology) and the mystery of seeing them each become decidedly dormant.

I've frequently felt like apparently foolish Noah building an ark where it's never rained as I continue to chip away at these three passions.  They are definitely "out of season". Still, most of the time I see no reason to stop investing in them.  For one thing, each of these passions continues to receive tiny nightlights of encouragement along the way from people I respect. For another, these interests just won't go away, despite many prayers to the contrary in darker times.

For the first time in my life I am mostly quiet-hearted about the whole "no obvious success" thing. Something is being secretly grafted into my soul.  My value does not lie in what I do or love. I'm curious, though, what springtime might look like.