Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dumb (but creative) ways to die

Apparently this is a safety video made by a metro company.  Very funny.

Craft Fair 101

    As part of my artist explorations I took part in a craft fair this November.  There were about 20 vendors, most well experienced.  My table as a newbie was between two jewelry artisan/sellers in their 50's.  They talked a great deal about themselves for 2 days.  An interesting side study in narcissism.

    At my table I had a selection of my paintings, illustrated cards, tiny wood nativity sets and a handful of small fabric art pieces, plus timid hopes of at least breaking even with table rental.

    The hours crawled like molasses.  I kept busy perfecting my mildly pleasant but not desperate chit chat with  passersby. I morphed through feeling like a patient fisherman, an orphanage director soliciting good homes for my art "children" and even had passing moments of wondering if prostitutes get tired of trying to attract customers. 

    In the end I did break even. Even made a bit of money.  Nearly all my paintings came home again with me, though.  Hard to not take that personally.  People looked with interest but moved on.  At home I went through a bout of "never painting again" and "just donate them to the thrift store", but I got over it.  Not sure what to do with the desire to keep painting.  Today it seems impractical and space consuming.  

Do schools kill creativity?